UFT One 2021.x Advanced (UFTO350-2021)


Résumé du cours

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage and enhance the various features of UFT One by writing test scripts in the Editor. In this course, participants adopt principles frequently followed by developers as they design more sophisticated test scripts. By learning to manipulate dynamic objects and data, participants will learn a skill set applicable for testing nearly any type of application.

The hands-on labs for this course use version 2021 of the UFT One software.

A qui s'adresse cette formation

Quality Assurance engineers or any new users of UFT One.


To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Working knowledge of Windows and web browsers
  • Experience with programming or scripting languages


Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • List the main components of the Editor
  • Identify when to use the Editor
  • Retrieve and use the properties of an object
  • Create programmatic descriptions
  • Create tests that include VBScript
  • Retrieve data from application objects
  • Use the Data Table object to store run-time data and drive actions
  • Create scripts that access data from external sources
  • Create new subroutines and functions
  • Use the Function Library editor
  • Identify when to handle exceptions programmatically


Module 1: Course Overview
  • Identify the contents and objectives of the course
  • Define the class schedules and class logistics
  • Identify the related courses
  • Discuss the lab environment details
Module 2: Introduction to the Editor
  • Identify the advantages of the Editor
  • Translate steps between the Keyword view and the Editor view
  • Explain how VBScript and objects are relevant to Unified Functional Testing One (UFT One) for GUI testing
  • List common test objects and methods used in UFT One for GUI testing
Module 3: Using the Editor
  • Use the Step Generator to create new steps in your test
  • Enter steps manually in the Editor
  • Document the steps of a business process
  • Use statement completion (IntelliSense)
  • Trace and debug tests
Module 4: Using VBScript
  • Create constants and variables to hold important values
  • Format steps and create comments for clarity
  • Use operators to modify or compare values
  • Build conditional statements
  • Call built-in functions from the VBScript function library
Module 5: Working with Object Properties
  • Retrieve any property of any object in the application during a test run
  • Retrieve and set properties in the object repository
  • Use additional properties of the Reporter utility object
Module 6: Working with Dynamic Data
  • Retrieve useful properties from list-type objects
  • Describe the VBScript looping statements
  • Use additional methods to explore the Data Table
Module 7: Working with Dynamic Objects
  • Identify types of dynamic objects
  • Manage the dynamic properties of objects in the object repository
  • Build a programmatic description for an object
  • Create and use a Description object
  • Retrieve a collection of child objects from a parent object
Module 8: Retrieving External Data
  • Build scripts that access data from external sources
  • Import data from and export data to a Microsoft Excel worksheet
  • Perform DataTable operations
  • Use the Connection and RecordSet objects to query a database
  • Import and export data to text files
Module 9: Handling GUI Testing Exceptions
  • Describe exceptions in a test
  • Describe how to handle exceptions with the test settings
  • Describe how to handle exceptions with Recovery Scenarios
  • Handle exceptions programmatically with VBScript
  • Handle positive and negative test data
Module 10: Creating New Procedures
  • Identify the advantages of creating a procedure in a test
  • Create new subroutines and functions
  • Build a function library and associate it with a test
  • Register a procedure with an object class
  • Use a function as a recovery operation in a recovery scenario
Module 11: Integrating UFT One with ALM
  • Integrate UFT One with the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) software
  • Connect to the ALM Server from UFT One
  • Execute a UFT One Test from ALM

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

2 jours

  • sur demande
Formation en salle équipée

2 jours

  • sur demande

Actuellement aucune session planifiée