Accelerate app development by using GitHub Copilot (AZ-2007)


Course Overview

Learn how to accelerate app development by using GitHub Copilot and GitHub Copilot Chat in a Visual Studio Code environment.


  • An active subscription for GitHub Copilot is required for either a personal GitHub account or a GitHub account managed by an organization or enterprise.
  • One or more years of code develop experience is recommended.
  • Some experience developing C# applications in Visual Studio Code with the C# Dev Kit extension is recommended.

Course Content

  • Get started with GitHub Copilot
  • Generate documentation using GitHub Copilot tools
  • Develop code features using GitHub Copilot tools
  • Develop unit tests using GitHub Copilot tools
  • Implement code improvements using GitHub Copilot tools
  • Guided project - Accelerate app development using GitHub Copilot tools

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

1 jour

  • CHF 870,–
Formation en salle équipée

1 jour

  • Suisse : CHF 870,–

Actuellement aucune session planifiée