Management and Leadership Training
Successfully expand leadership skills
Only those who can build a good relationship with their employees and motivate them to perform at their best will lead departments and companies to success. Depending on your previous qualifications, we offer both newcomers and experienced managers suitable training and workshops that will help you advance professionally.
In-depth know-how and top speakers for various leadership topics and levels
Classroom courses, live online training, e-learning, complete qualification programs
Individual support, digital learning platforms and customized learning offers
Training offers for prospective and experienced managers
Do you have questions about our management and leadership trainings? Simply let us know your requirements via our contact form, or give us a call: +41 44 832 50 80. We will be happy to advise you and, if necessary, also adapt the training courses to the requirements of your company as well as to the previous knowledge and skills of the participants!
Leadership skills for beginners
- Leadership for Project Management (LPM)
- Lateral Leadership (LATL)
- Women in Leader Positions (WLP)
- Powerful and Relaxed Leadership (PRL)
- Resilienz und emotionale Intelligenz in der Führung (REIF)
- Erfolgreich in der digitalen Arbeitswelt 5.0 (EDA5)
- From Employee to Manager - Successful Entry into the New Leadership Role (FEMA)
- Erfolgreich als Teamleiter - Grundlagen (ETLG)
- Führungskräftetraining I - Führung lernen, reflektieren, umsetzen (FKT1)
- Denkwerkstatt Agile Führung (DWAF)
- Mitarbeitergespräche (MGS)
Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Upcoming Events
PSF | Personalführung Course language: German | Zurich |