Workshop Microsoft PowerShell Fundamentals (MSPSFUN)


Who should attend

This seminar is aimed at service technicians and administrators from the Microsoft environment.



Course Objectives

Participants of this course will learn the necessary knowledge about the basic functions of Microsoft PowerShell.

Follow On Courses

Course Content

Chapter 1

The First Contact with PowerShell

  • What can the PowerShell
  • how to navigate in PowerShell

The assistance system

  • The help files (after) -installing
  • make good use of the help

Chapter 2

Using Cmdlets

  • get-command
  • get-Help
  • get-Alias
  • get-Member
  • Methods and properties

Chapter 3

  • Abbreviate commands
  • Alias names
  • Using variables

Chapter 4

  • Mathematical approaches to PowerShell
  • Differences between cmdlets and functions
  • Create and execute first PowerShell scripts yourself
  • PowerShell ISE (Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment)
  • Run other scripts
  • Have functions permanently

Chapter 5

  • Create PowerShell profiles
  • PowerShell Profile Paths

Chapter 6

Virtual drives

Chapter 7 First ideas PowerShell and Active Directory

  • Load PowerShell Active Directory Module
  • Create objects
  • Objects queries (*-filter)

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

3 days

  • CHF 2,390.—
Classroom Training

3 days

  • Switzerland: CHF 2,390.—

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.