ValueEdge Functional Test Essentials (VEFTE)


Course Overview

This two-day, basic course explains the fundamentals of the ValueEdge Functional Test (VEFT). Designed for beginners, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to VEFT and its sub-modules, equipping participants with the skills necessary to utilize the solution in their testing processes effectively. The training comprises theory and practical sessions where you learn to use VEFT as a one-stop shop for all your functional testing needs, enabling anyone to easily test anything on any platform from anywhere.


  • Explain the OpenTextTM ValueEdge platform.
  • Discuss challenges in functional testing.
  • Explain the modules of the ValueEdge Functional Test (VEFT).
  • Describe Model-Based Testing (MBT) and its advantages.
  • Create Models and Units for MBT.
  • Design and execute a test for MBT.
  • Execute UFT One tests with MBT.
  • Schedule the execution of tests in the OpenText cloud environment.
  • Monitor test execution for scheduled runs.
  • Design AI-based codeless scripts in ValueEdge Functional Test.
  • Enhance the AI Codeless script with parametrization and conditional statements.
  • Execute an AI Codeless script in a cloud environment.

Who should attend

Business Analysts, Test Engineers/QA Analysts, and Developers


To be successful in this course, you should have basic IT knowledge.

Course Objectives

On completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the advantages of automatingfunctional testing with VEFT.
  • Preview the features and capabilities ofthe OpenText ValueEdge Platform.
  • Describe the different sub-modules ofVEFT and their functionalities.
  • Explain the concept of MBT and itsadvantages in software testing.
  • Explain the various stages of the MBTlifecycle.
  • Create units, models, paths, and testswithin the MBT framework.
  • Integrate MBT with automationframeworks.
  • Explain the different tabs and theirfunctions within the Executionmodule.
  • Create and execute comprehensivetest suites.
  • Create and manage test schedules.
  • Track and monitor the execution oftests.
  • Create codeless scripts and addvarious types of steps, including:
  • Verification steps
  • Parameters
  • Synchronization steps
  • Conditional steps
  • Perform data-driven testing.
  • Execute codeless scripts and analyze the results.

Course Content

Chapter 1: Course Overview

  • Identify the contents and objectives of the course
  • Define the class logistics

Chapter 2: Introduction to ValueEdge Functional Test

  • Explain the challenges of functional testing
  • Describe the advantages of automating functional testing with ValueEdge Functional Test (VEFT)
  • Preview the ValueEdge platform

Chapter 3: ValueEdge Functional Test Modules

  • Explain the following in VEFT:
  • Model-Based Testing
  • Test Design
  • Test Execution
  • Digital Lab

Chapter 4: Introduction to Model-Based Testing (MBT)

  • Explain Model-Based Testing (MBT) and its advantages
  • Describe the MBT lifecycle
  • Create units and models
  • Create paths
  • Generate tests
  • Execute tests

Chapter 5: Model-Based Testing and Automation Frameworks

  • Work with automation frameworks
  • Import UFT One tests in VEFT using Cloud Runner
  • Create Models for UFT One tests
  • Generate paths and create MBT tests
  • Execute UFT One tests in VEFT
  • Import Selenium (TestNG) tests in VEFT

Chapter 6: Introduction to Test Execution

  • Explain tabs in the Execution module
  • Create and execute a test suite
  • Create a schedule
  • Monitor test execution

Chapter 7: Introduction to AI Codeless Testing

  • Work with the Test Design module
  • Create a codeless script and add steps
  • Edit codeless scripts
  • Execute codeless scripts
  • Automate manual tests

Chapter 8: Enhancing AI Codeless Tests

  • Add verification steps
  • Add parameters
  • Add synchronization steps
  • Add conditional steps
  • Associate codeless scripts with Units and Tests
  • Perform data-driven testing

Preise & Trainingsmethoden

Online Training

2 Tage

  • auf Anfrage

2 Tage

  • auf Anfrage

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